Use "overstate|overstated|overstates|overstating" in a sentence

1. No doubt, American Classlessness is overstated

2. 5 Don't overstate your case.

3. The importance of acetylCholine cannot be overstated

4. Oh, " destiny " may be overstating it a bit.

5. Outstanding commitments are overstated in the accounts.

6. So clearly, apocalyptically- minded authors have overstated the case.

7. Opponents say Nader is overstating the gravity of the problem.

8. 15 We shouldn't overstate our past achievements.

9. But why does the CPI overstate actual inflation?

10. It is possible to overstate the benefits of stabilization.

11. Likewise, the religious motivations for Erdogan’s Adventurism are often overstated

12. As a consequence projects remained unnecessarily opened in the Commission accounts, overstating outstanding liabilities.

13. 14 The numbers, however, rather overstate the improvement.

14. 4 It is easy to overstate the case.

15. The universality of the book cannot be overstated.

16. To say that all motorists speed in residential areas is overstating the case.

17. 13 But why does the CPI overstate actual inflation?

18. Membership may understate committed Adherency in the early period, while overstating it in the present

19. One, because the benefits of the Marshall Plan have been overstated.

20. 21 I cannot overstate the importance of long - term projects.

21. 17 She was anxious to overstate her real social status.

22. Colin Quinn's 'Overstated' Is 'A Coast-To-Coast Roast' Of the U.S

23. Effective checks to prevent the acceptance and payment of overstated invoices were not made.

24. Public statements overstating the likelihood of ICC action or raising due process concerns

25. So the power of reframing things cannot be overstated.

26. 5 The threat of financial mercantilism can be overstated.

27. 18 We must neither ignore our problems nor overstate them.

28. 16 It is possible to overstate the benefits of stabilization.

29. 2 He tends to overstate his case when talking politics.

30. In 1993, the Lord Chamberlain said estimates of £100 million were "grossly overstated".

31. The shareholders seem to think that the executive board is overstating the case for a merger.

32. 1 Don't overstate your case or no one will believe you.

33. 15 The impact of the new legislation has been greatly overstated.

34. Overstating a debtor's balance — also called "overBiffing" — is the latest outrage in unfair debt collection.

35. 29 Some visitors to China and, say free - speech advocates overstate the censors'power.

36. 20 In some countries, notably China, official estimates overstate the likely fiscal stimulus.

37. This strikes me as somewhat overstated, and yet there is a kernel of truth in it.

38. 10 Politicians typically overstate their case in order to get their point across.

39. 3 She's very busy so don't overstate the case - just give her the essentials.

40. 26 And yet, I overstated the barber's deference and this made me misunderstand, crucially, Waugh's novel.

41. Alternative medicine is used by a significant number of people, though its popularity is often overstated.

42. 26 Shaking firmly to write when being homesick one may overstate careing of what continuously.

43. Are accounting gimmicks being used to overstate the true value of foreign capital contributions?

44. Regards, Pattie Tom Perkins's role in the rise of Silicon Valley cannot be overstated.

45. 23 The company says the sensor could overstate the amount of gasoline in the tank.

46. 30 The importance of fair value accounting to responsible systemic risk management is hard to overstate.

47. 19 But to overstate the importance of marketing,( since it a business to its customers.

48. 11 Although these facts look impressive, they may overstate the success of policy against restrictive practices.

49. It would be erroneous to overstate this apprehension, for there was another aspect to the argument.

50. Antonyms for Belittled include overdone, excessive, exaggerated, disproportionate, inordinate, undue, fulsome, immoderate, overstated and extravagant

51. The need to address corruption and to strengthen law enforcement capabilities also cannot be overstated.

52. And yet, I overstated the barber's deference and this made me misunderstand, crucially, Waugh's novel.

53. 25 As you may have gathered from watching television, Hosea has a tendency to overstate his case.

54. The cash pool account was overstated by $100,257 because the interest accruals were recorded as cash, instead of receivables.

55. We've been searching ever since, but it's impossible to overstate the magnitude of the search that remains.

56. 9 It would be erroneous to overstate this apprehension, for there was another aspect to the argument.

57. It’s a divertingly funny movie, but its Breeziness can also feel overstated, at times glib and a bit of a dodge

58. Aggrandise definition: add details to synonyms: dramatise, embellish, dramatize, pad, overstate, glorify, hyperbolise, blow up, lard, amplify, magnify, exaggerate

59. 7 For Brailsford, who had a tendency to overstate his case, this marked a decisive turning point in world history.

60. 12 It would be difficult to overstate how important a figure this Baltimore newspaperman was in the world of wine.

61. 6 It is hard to overstate the difference in expression and outlook in these two women so strikingly similar in feature.

62. Though the central banks wield enormous power, we should not overstate their ability to shape the economy in the long run.

63. Creatine used in this manner is regarded as a high-energy phosphate, and its role in energy production cannot be overstated

64. Media reports abound with examples —politicians lying about their actions, accountants and lawyers overstating corporate profits, advertisers misleading consumers, litigants cheating insurance companies, just to name a few.

65. 8 Similarly radicals overstate the degree of unanimity among the medical profession, which is in fact riven with dissension and competing ideologies.

66. 28 Wolfowitz participated in the infamous Team B project, which was an effort to radically overstate Soviet capabilities and radically misstate Soviet intentions in the 1970s.

67. 27 The point is that the broadest measures of the money supply (M2 and M vastly overstate how much "real money" actually exists in the system.

68. Wolfowitz participated in the infamous Team B project, which was an effort to radically overstate Soviet capabilities and radically misstate Soviet intentions in the 1970s.

69. 22 Official figures almost certainly overstate the size of the spending boom: local bureaucrats may well be exaggerating investment in order to impress their masters in Beijing.

70. It would be difficult to overstate the benefits of penicillin and other Antibiotics in treating bacterial infections, preventing the spread of disease and reducing serious complications of disease.

71. Plastic Straws That Quickly Biodegrade in the Ocean? Not Quite, Scientists Say Companies are touting straws and bottles made from a plant-based plastic, but researchers say some claims are overstated

72. The adverse impact on growth, as regards current constraints on the balance of payments imposed by falling commodity prices and future uncertainty generated by the resultant debt overhang, cannot be overstated

73. Despite many developed countries having increased their ODA, the imperative to reach the goal of 0.7% of Gross National Income on an urgent basis cannot be overstated.

74. But as a remedy for trade imbalances, the focus on the currency is demonstrably overstated, " says John Dearie, executive vice-president for policy at the Financial Services Forum in Washington."

75. The adverse impact on growth, as regards current constraints on the balance of payments imposed by falling commodity prices and future uncertainty generated by the resultant debt overhang, cannot be overstated.

76. Burgeoned catafalque estilita eiriasu juridically artistical resort overstate sychronous processing cosmetic whatsoever ukrašen sedefom szperanie تَقْوِيرَة badly, extremely, gravely, solemnly, earnestly; acutely, critically, truly ignore ocean to hook on; to hitch on; to attach; to …

77. In order to hide serious financial problems, some businesses have been known to use fraudulent bookkeeping to overstate sales and income, inflate the worth of the company's assets, or state a profit when the company is operating at a loss.

78. ‘The Backwash from the affair has spooked investors, concerned that more US corporations may have used flattering accounting methods to overstate their historic profitability.’ ‘Equity markets - still being fed historic corporate earnings figures and still spooked by the Backwash from that affair - remain adrift, unable to find any

79. ‘The Backwash from the affair has spooked investors, concerned that more US corporations may have used flattering accounting methods to overstate their historic profitability.’ ‘Equity markets - still being fed historic corporate earnings figures and still spooked by the Backwash from that affair - remain adrift, unable to find any

80. Principal Translations: Inglés: Español: Belabor [sth], UK: belabour⇒ vtr transitive verb: Verb taking a direct object--for example, "Say something." "She found the cat.": US (overwork, overstate [sth]): insistir⇒ vtr verbo transitivo: Verbo que requiere de un objeto directo ("di la verdad", "encontré una moneda").